We have little tolerance for typically boyish traits such as bounciness, fidgetiness and mischievousness.
What's more, we have decided (or at least acquiesced) to drug these annoying traits out of boys with amphetamines and methylphenidates.
We seem to be asking boys to conform to a standard of behavior that in the past would have been more appropriate for girls.
Lessons that result in an end product—a booklet, a catapult, a poem, or a comic strip, for example. 以这些结束的课程——比如,小册子、弹弓、诗歌或者连环漫画
Lessons that are structured as competitive games. 以竞争性的游戏构建的课程
Lessons requiring motor activity. 课程有运动活动需求
Lessons requiring boys to assume responsibility for the learning of others. 课程需要男孩子们承担其他同学学习的责任
Lessons that require boys to address open questions or unsolved problems, tapping into their natural curiousity. 课程需要男孩子处理一些开放式的问题和未解决的问题,要利用他们的好奇心
Lessons that require a combination of competition and teamwork. 课程需要竞争与合作相结合
Lessons that focus on independent, personal discovery and realization. 课程要将焦点放在独立、个性的发现和领悟力上
Lessons that introduce drama in the form of novelty or surprise. 课程需要以创新和新颖的方式引入戏剧文学