柯迪的日记透漏了一个不停地被打扰的模式。深夜与朋友发短信,另外,头戴耳机听音乐时上网也要耗费额外好几个小时。即便柯迪每天晚上都想早一点关电脑睡觉,也会不断地被手机或iPad 的消息提醒音吵醒,或者被其他什么东西的提醒音吵醒。
For a developing child, it's nearly impossible for them to resist the urgent impulse to reply to text messages, or restrain themselves from checking social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
对于一个正在生长发育的孩子来说,他们几乎不可能一直维持回复短信的迫切冲动,也不可能控制自己不去查看诸如 Facebook,、Twitter 、YouTube之类的社交网站。
The deluge of digital stimulation combined with frequent multitasking via iPad's and cell phones was too much; it was affecting Cody's sleep, concentration and mood. 如洪水般的数字刺激,往往与频繁的手机操作、iPad操作密切联系,而且这些操作都是一心多用的多项同时操作。
Developing children and teenagers are particularly susceptible to media addiction and concurrent sleep deprivation.
Dr. Larry Rosen,美国加州州立大学的心理学专家发表了一篇研究,是关于电脑可能引发的问题——在学习和媒体的多项任务操作中的人类行为。这项研究告诫家长们,要抵御一种危险的和逐渐增长的现象:要留意学习时出现的多重信息和娱乐消息的干扰。然而,科学家们依旧缺乏科学依据——同时操作的多种媒体任务是怎样影响心理健康的。
Beth has been forthcoming with her son's story in an effort to bring attention to a very real and growing phenomenon: media addiction.
“新的研究表明,媒体使用和儿童、青少年的心理健康之间存在着很密切的联系,” Dr. Robert M. Pressman说。 Dr. Robert M. Pressman是学习行为研究的带头人,这个研究是检验媒体使用和家庭日常生活间关系的,最近这项研究被发表在美国家庭治疗杂志上。
"Clinically, we are seeing an increase in symptoms typically associated with anxiety and depression, but that improve when a child unplugs at night. Symptoms include: short-term memory problems, decreased attention span, sleep deprivation, excessive moodiness and general dissatisfaction," explained Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, Clinical Director for the New England Center for Pediatric Psychology.