1. Parents can lend support via keeping the topic open for discussion, not merely delivering a sermon about being prepared, or being over vigilant for anxiety. 父母们可以给予支持,保持话题开放式的讨论,而不仅仅在准备一事上给出冗长的教训,或者过度警惕焦虑。
Point out the “Back to School” ads, posters and pop-ups as a sign that the whole community loves this time of year. Everyone is doing it because it is important, and it feels good to be ready. Then, ask them what they are thinking about school and listen carefully to the answer. Show them you are listening by repeating back what they told you, and asking if you got it right. We all love being heard.
2. Keep your own baggage about last year to yourself. Children are a lot better at ‘fresh starts’ than most grown-ups, given half a chance.
3. Host or organize some social, play date or entertainment event with other class and schoolmates a week or two prior to school’s opening. 在开学前的一个星期或两个星期,组织一些与其他班级或校友的社交聚会、玩耍聚会,或者娱乐项目。
The less formal the better, and if it can include a trip to, or drive-by of, the school, it will help prime the communication pump if your child isn’t saying much. His or her mates can be great sounding boards.
4. Calm down your own schedule around the time of school opening to be available (especially during decompression time). 在快开学的这段期间,可以使你的计划平静下来(尤其是在减压期间)。
Connecting with the teaching should be a high priority item during this period; kids feel keenly the presence – and absence – of this teaming up with the teacher on their behalf.
So telling kids ‘You’ll be fine’ doesn’t help them as much to hear as it does us to say it. Try “I’m so happy and proud you are grown up enough for school and getting yourself ready to go.” Enjoy!