Getting back in there is a metaphor for resilience. It’s standing up in the face of adversity. It’s overcoming setbacks, learning from them and improving as a result.
As Albert Bandura and his colleagues (1996) famously pointed out, self-efficacy, or the belief that you can complete a specific task, is a huge predictor of actually being able to successfully complete that task.
There Is No I in Team
Humans are a “groupish,” team-oriented species (see Wilson, 2002)—and through development, we learn to put our own interests aside to help with the success of groups that we are part of. Being part of a baseball team is an example of working for the good of the group that is sine qua non.
人类是“群居”动物,是团队导向性物种(见威尔逊, 2002)——经过发展,我们学会了把自己的利益放在一边来帮助所属的团队取得胜利。作为棒球队的一员就是一个很好的例子,做有益于团队的事情是必要条件。
You Are There to Swing the Bat
有时候孩子们处在击球区域时,你能分辨得出来他们很害怕球。的确(“嘘~”不要告诉孩子这个!),这有点恐怖!一个运动员,45英尺强壮的孩子,在你的远处扔一个坚硬如石的球——目标是一个点(差不多盘子大小),这个目标离你非常近。耶,我击中了!但是这是棒球具有挑战的部分——培养了一种击球者的身份——作为一个孩子,他不仅是跑回了本垒,而且也通过击球取得了胜利——在心理学上,一旦孩子们建立了他们可以做到的信念,他们就已经成功了一半(in psychology, once the kids develop the belief that they can do it, they’re half way toward success.)。不必惊讶,成千上万的研究(例如,克鲁格,1998)很清楚的证明了这一点——在一个特别的领域里,给自己积极地定位能够激发在这一领域里获得成功的能力(a positive identity of oneself in a particular domain has the capacity foster success in that domain. )。想象一下你自己是个击球者,哎呀,天呐,你就即将变成一个击球者!
Failure is the Most Common Outcome—Learn From Your Mistakes
恐怕没有什么运动比棒球的失败率还高。界外球比界内球更常见。在某种程度上每个人都能三振出局。这个区域里常常会犯错误。即使是最好的球队,比如我们的职业联盟,也会必然会遭遇失败。棒球运动最大的好处就是像生活一样,我们可以从中学到很多:几乎覆盖了生活的方方面面,失败总是比成功多 (As is true with nearly all aspects of life, failure is more common than is success.)。这是一个多么好的培养复原能力的运动。
And there are few qualities that are more important to cultivate in the next generation of leaders—and believe it or not, when we look at these 12 kids who are giving their all for the sake of the team, that’s exactly who they are—the next generation of leaders.