I encourage parents to practice deep breathing, muscle relaxation, cognitive therapy strategies (to stop destructive labeling and all or nothing thinking patterns), positive visualizations, positive psychology to catch themselves doing healthy behaviors, and I teach empathetic, reflective listening strategies.我鼓励父母们练习深呼吸,放松肌肉,学习一些认知治疗策略(即,停止毁灭性的贴标签行为和所有思维模式/无思维模式),积极地看待问题,积极地自我暗示做一些健康的行为,还有我教的移情作用,和沉思倾听策略。
依据冷静、坚定、非强制的方法,苏珊冷静地说,“Robby,我可以强迫你,但是我认为这样做对我们两个都不好。所以,我现在请你跟妹妹道歉(Firm because she is taking a position and setting a boundary坚定是因为苏珊承担父母的角色,为是非设定界限),因为我知道你可以做的比现在更好。强迫你不会有任何帮助,但是如果你道歉,我想你自己的感觉会更好。”(Noncontrolling because Susan guides Robby but is not attached to the result!不强制是因为苏珊要引导儿子,并不是只追求结果!)苏珊放开手,并且选择相信她可以约束(约束并不等于惩罚)儿子。毕竟,约束不也是教育吗?5分钟之后,Robby说“好吧,对不起,妹妹。”尽管儿子的语调并没有多么热情,但是女儿非常感谢哥哥为道歉所做出的努力。
If you are in a conflict, draw your child out to see how he genuinely feels. Avoid being overly judgmental, which leaves your child feeling criticized and will cause him to become defensive.
2. Use understanding to slow yourself down.
Listening as described above helps you to dig deeper and understand what's really going on with your defiant child. This is perhaps the best antidote to yelling.While understanding alone may not stop you from yelling, it will help.
Try to analyze what it is that you'd like your child to change, and then rationally explain it to him.
Miguel Ruiz在他的书中写道“不要把所有的事情都往心里去。别人做什么事情并不是因为针对你……”要在心中牢记这一有价值的至理名言。如果你停下来并且反思,大多数时候你冲孩子怒吼,是因为你太介意他的行为。要明白,不听话的孩子,即使他挑衅你,他用这种方式表达出来,仅仅是因为他或她自己在矛盾中挣扎,并不是因为针对你。记住这一点将会帮助你不那么生气,你发怒的危险也会随之减少。