1.在我的葬礼上谁会哭得最凶?/Who would cry the most at my funeral?
有些人无条件地爱你。开始回报这些感情吧。/Those are people who love you unconditionally. Start returning the feeling.
2.我有没有和那些会在我葬礼上哭得最凶的人,共度足够多的时间?/ Do I spend enough time with the people who would cry the most at my funeral?
也许没有。即使他们注意到你的优点,让你感觉良好。/Probably not. Even though those are the people who see the good in you, and make you feel good about yourself.
3.我会在谁的葬礼上哭得最凶?/Who would I want to cry the most at my funeral?
很有可能是那些最被你忽视的人。你关心他们,但是你总是把他们对你的感情当做理所当然。/Chances are those are the people you neglect the most. You care about them but you're taking them for granted.
开始珍惜他们吧/Stop taking them for granted.