So when you’re in class, don’t talk to your friends, send text messages or search the Web for pictures of adorable kittens doing adorable things.
在课堂上记好笔记是至关重要的。听课和记笔记的平衡点是:一方面,你想要你的笔记准确和完整;另一方面,你也不想让笔记变成课堂记录,因为那样会很难发现重点。Elliot Aronson (2010),是这一领域最杰出的社会心理学家之一,他在大学的第一个学期中写到:“我发现自己尚未学会如何做一个学生。甚至我不知道的第一件事就是做笔记。我会坐在教室里,听老师讲课,然后拼命地写潦草的笔记。快到期中考试时,我会拿出所有的课堂笔记,然后就发现实际上这些笔记都是难以理解的。”
While you’re listening to your instructor, think about how what you’re hearing is connected to what you already know. Write down key words and phrases, not full sentences and paragraphs the way a court reporter would. The act of sifting through what you’re hearing and distilling it into its important components will help make that information more meaningful.
“At the end of every class, I would find a little nook — sometimes even the nearest stairwell — read over my scribbled notes, and neatly summarize them in a page or two.
If your notes are dotted with doodles, arrows and asterisks, missing definitions and phrases that just don’t make sense, organize and rewrite them. Fill in the missing definitions or other information by consulting your textbook or your friends’ notes, or asking a teaching assistant or instructor.
Studying for exams
Secret #7: Once you learn it, don’t drop it. 秘密 7:一旦学会了,就不要丢掉
You might be tempted to skip the parts of a chapter that you feel sure you know. Don’t do it.
Rather than cramming all your attempts to test yourself into one giant awful block of time, test yourself regularly throughout the semester, say once a week (Bjork & Bjork, 2011), and be sure to include material you already know in your regular testing sessions.
Secret #9: Forget about your “learning style.” 秘诀 9:放弃你的“学习风格”
But ultimately, a 10th secret of learning is this: No matter how good they are, no course and no textbook can do your work for you.