A knocker-upper, was a profession in Britain and Ireland that started during the Industrial Revolution, when alarm clocks were neither cheap nor reliable, and to as late as the beginning of the 1950s.
A knocker-upper's job was to rouse sleeping people so they could get to work on time.
The knocker upper used to come down the street with their long poles. They wouldn't hang around either, just three or four taps and then he'd be off.
Knocker upper们的用具除了竿子之外,还有锤子。
锤子也就算了,还有用射豆**(peashooter)的, 看看这位大妈,也是莫名搞笑。
Mary Anne Smith, became a beloved presence—along with her trusty pea shooter—around London’s East End in the 1930s. John Topham remembers “every morning but Sunday she would rise at three to ‘knock up’ local workers—using a pea shooter. She charged six pence a week.
Mary Anne Smith是一个令人喜爱的存在,她经常在20世纪30年代带着自己令人信赖的射豆**一起出现在伦敦东部。John Topham记得“除了星期日的每天早上,她都三点早早起来用自己的射豆**叫醒那些当地的工人。她每周**取6便士。”
It waned as alarm clocks and electricity became more widespread and affordable. Sure, beeping alarm clocks and smartph**s that play morning music are simpler and more convenient. But they can’t match being awoken by the soft, distinctive tap of Mary Smith’s pea shooter.
随着闹钟和电变得越来越普及、廉价,这种工作逐渐退出了市场。诚然,嘟嘟响着的闹钟和在早上播放着音乐的智能电话更加简单、方便,但是永远都不能与Mary Smith的射豆**相比较,被这种轻柔、独特的声音唤醒完全是另一种体验。
McCarthy walks humans for $7 a mile around the streets and park near his home, pi**ering an alternative to dog walking that requires no leash, just an ability to walk, talk and, above all, listen.
The idea initially struck the underemployed actor several months ago as a joke, an imaginary way to make extra cash, until it became real.
Chuck McCarthy的****得风生水起,客户群遍布男女老少。
Chuck provides companionship and motivation to people who want to get out of the house, explore their city and get some exercise.
《卫报》对这一职业的前景和市场非常看好: In a decade or so, paying for connection may seem as ordinary as paying for therapy. The companionship market will make us uncomfortable, but it will persist. The need for social connection is too primal: if it’s the market that’s offering us the chance to walk and talk with some** who seems like a friend, we’ll be he**g towards it, not turning away.
3. professional pusher
The Japanese rail network is known throughout the world for its superiority and punctuality. In the capital city Tokyo, nearly 40 million passengers ride the rail every day, heavily outweighing other modes of transport like buses and private cars. Of these, 8.7 million take the subway.
在这种情况下,有一种职业应运而生啦,那就是专业“推人”的工作。 To make sure that all its people reach work on time, Japan has employed people to push others o** trains.