When a teen has no idea what s/he wants to be when s/he grows up.
Posted Dec 19, 2015
Dear Marty,
My mother told me to write to you. I hope that's okay.
Everyone always asks me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I have no idea! How does anyone know?
Clueless in Cleveland
Dear Clueless,
First of all, do you think that with training, you have the potential to succeed in running your own business? You probably can if you are a self-starter rather than a procrastinator, have an instinct for knowing what is and isn't worth spending on and how to get it cheaply, and have the ability and motivation to sell people a product or service.
The reason I first ask about your aptitude for self-employment is that if you do have it, you'll have more control of your life as well as be able to keep all the profit rather than just the wage an employer will pay you.
If you think you might be good at self-employment, I suggest you get an after-school or vacation job, even if just as a volunteer, at the elbow of a successful, ethical and kind small business owner. That will confirm or refute your self-assessment re self-employment and teach you skills that will be useful whether you end up self-employed or not. Some of the most respected employees are those who are intrapreneurial: those who see profit-making opportunities for the company or non profit they work for and have the drive and ability to see those opportunities through to success.
If you don't see yourself as successfully self-employed, which of these are you naturally best at: and enjoy using: working with words, people, data, or the arts? With just that in mind, play around, yes, play around at mynextmove.org. (link is external)You'll identify one or more careers that seem like possibilities and learn about them, including what you do day-to-day, salary, and education requirements. When you've identified one or two top choices, try to get an after-school or vacation job or volunteer experience working for someone in that field.
Do that and you'll probably have at least a tentative answer to, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"