Anger is an emotion that can be concealed and oftentimes confused with other emotions (i.e., jealousy, greed, embarrassment and being hurt). Learn to sort through your emotions before acting out of impulse. Identify what you're really feeling and address that emotion rather than mask it with anger.
5. Think About Your Anger Differently
When things make us angry, we tend to distort how we think about the situation. For example, you may misinterpret events, think the worst about everything, blame others or blow things out of proportion. Being able to identify your negative thoughts and change those to more positive ones will help keep things in perspective. Cognitive restructuring or changing how you think about the situation can change how you respond to it.
6. Release Your Anger
Find an outlet to release some steam. Focus on deep breathing, shoot some hoops, hit a heavy bag, meditate, or just read a book. It doesn't matter what you do to relax, just do it. Make it a priority in your life.
7. Transform Your Anger
转化你的愤怒 The final stage involves putting all of the steps together and synthesizing them into who you are and how you handle anger. It's okay to move back and forth through various steps of the anger management cycle as you work through the transformation stage. As with any behavioral change, it's going to take time to transform your response to anger. If you approach this change with dedication, discipline and determination you'll see some great results.
"For every minute you're angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is important to note that anger may be associated with other mental health disorders.