[attach]9615[/attach] Walking away from your goal could be the smartest decision you'll ever make.
Posted Oct 17, 2015
It only takes a few seconds on social media to find quotes that remind you, “Quitting lasts forever” or “Champions don’t quit.” There are lots of these ‘inspirational’ quotes and ‘motivational’ images that send the message that somehow, if you give up on your goal, you’ve given up on life.
Whether you set your sights on running a 10K, or you aspire to turn your part-time hobby into a full-time business, the path to achievement doesn’t always come in a straight line. And while there’s a lot to be said for perseverance, sometimes it just makes more sense to quit.
Quitting doesn’t mean you’re a loser. In fact, it often takes incredible mental strength to walk away from a goal you’ve set for yourself. Here are five signs you should give yourself permission to quit working on your goal:
1. Your Goals Have Changed
Many people feel like once they’ve establish a goal they have to keep going - especially if they’ve told other people about it. But quite often, the goal that seemed like a good idea six months ago, is no longer important. Setting a goal for yourself doesn’t mean you have to commit yourself to accomplishing it.
If you find yourself stuck in a certain place in life, it could be because you’re not quitting enough . As you grow and change, you’ll likely outgrow some of your old goals. The best way to make room for new goals, is to abandon some of your current ones.
2. The Process Doesn’t Align With Your Values
While it may sound like an honorable goal in the beginning, the process of getting there might not align with your values. The hard work, dedication and commitment could mean less time with your family, less energy for your other endeavors, and fewer opportunities to pursue the things that matter most.
Living according to your values is key to a successful life. Don’t abandon your values in an effort to prove to yourself – or anyone else – that you can reach your goal.
3. The Reward isn’t Worth It
Sometimes it’s easy to underestimate the effort it will take to reach a goal. Losing 10 pounds, earning $100 more a month, or going to the gym six days a week might not sound too difficult on the surface. But, when you start taking steps to reach those goals, you might find the process is far more cumbersome than you envisioned.
Ask yourself, is that reward truly worth the effort I’m putting in? There’s no shame in admitting that the end-goal just isn’t worth your time or energy it’s going to take.