
标题: 一个词就可以扼杀一段友谊 下 [打印本页]

作者: 司马如花    时间: 2015-10-20 10:46
标题: 一个词就可以扼杀一段友谊 下
That being said, just because “busy” is not a word that generates closeness, that doesn’t mean you can’t communicate the same thing in a way that does generate closeness. Here are some tips for telling your friends you can’t right now without hurting their feelings.

1. Be Specific.

There’s an easy way to eliminate the vagueness of “busy” and that’s by telling your friends specifically what you’re busy doing. Of course, being specific takes a bit more of your time and effort – something that can be challenging when you’re really swamped. But it’s worth doing because the difference in how the message is received is significant.

Let’s say you invite a friend to your birthday party and she writes back, “I’d love to but I’m really busy!” Alternatively, she writes back, “I’d love to but Jack has Karate that evening and he specifically asked me to watch him this time. Have some champagne for me though!”

Feel the difference? The second message explains your friend’s reasoning, gives context, and communicates that she’s still invested in your happiness. The first message, frankly, is a blow-off.

2. Set a Time Frame.

If you’re busy because of an especially difficult crunch time either at work or at home, it’s helpful to make your friends aware of how long this “busy” time will last. For example, if you know your product will launch in a month and you’re schedule will open up soon thereafter, communicate your desire to reconnect with everyone then.

Even if the product slips and the month turns into two, your friends will appreciate that you expressed a desire to be together again as soon as you can.

3. Determine if You Need to Have a Difficult Conversation.

And now, it’s time to confront the dark side of “busy.” As we all know, “being busy” can be a method by which we disengage from a relationship we no longer want to have. The kids call it “ghosting” – distancing yourself from a relationship without ever explaining why.

If you’re using “busy” in this way, it’s worth determining if you need to have that difficult conversation with the person you’re ghosting. While it’s always uncomfortable to “break up” with a friend, some friendships deserve this attention. In some cases, it’ll cause great sadness to both parties to “busy” a friendship to death.

So that’s it! Try saying goodbye to “busy” and see what happens!

作者: 凡尘荼靡    时间: 2015-10-21 19:26
作者: psysophie    时间: 2017-3-5 19:21

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